Cookies policy sheet


Information on the types and use of cookies on our site
In this page you can find the necessary information on the use of the cookies on this internet site, as well as the modalities for identifying them and either inhibiting or cancelling them.
This Policy can be updated at any time because of a modification of the directives in force or because of any change in the configuration and type of cookies used.

What are cookies
Cookies are short strings that are saved, while browsing the website on the user’s computer, smartphone or tablet and that allow our site to acknowledge the users after their first visit and to consequently improve their user experience.

Technical cookies
Among the technical cookies, that do not require express consent for their use, the Italian Guarantor for the protection of personal data also includes:
• “analytical cookies” in the case they are directly used by the site manager in order to gather information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and on the way they visit the site itself
• browsing or session cookies (to authenticate, to make a purchase, etc.),
• functionality cookies, that allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase), in order to improve the service offered.

Profiling cookies
For profiling cookies, namely those aimed at creating user-related profiles and used in order to send advertising messages aligned with the preferences expressed in the context of web browsing, prior consent of the user is required.

Third party Cookies While browsing the Site, the User can also receive cookies of different sites or web servers (“third party” cookies) on their terminal. These may contain elements (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) that can reside on the site they are visiting. In this case, such cookies are defined by a web site different from the one that is currently being visited.

Which cookies we use and why
On the internet site the cookies of Google Analytics software are used in order to obtain statistical aggregate information, useful for evaluating web site use and the activities performed by the visitor. Google stores the information collected by the cookie on servers that may also be dislocated in the United States. Google reserves the right to transfer the information collected through its cookie to third parties whenever this is required by law or whenever the third subject processes information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address to any other data owned by Google in order to obtain a more detailed user profile. The Google Analytics cookies are to be considered as third party cookies (Google or companies connected to it), and their operation is outlined by the Google privacy policy, available on this page.

Name of cookies Type Part Scadenza Cookies – purpose and description
_ga Analytical cookie Third 2 years It keeps a trace, in an anonymous way, of the pages you visit and produces statistical data that we use in order to monitor the use of the site and to improve the quality of the service we offer you.
_gat Analytical cookie Third 10 minutes It is used in order to distinguish among different monitoring objects created in the session. It is updated every time any data is sent to Google Analytics.
__utmb Analytical cookie Third 2 years These cookies are used to collect information about the way users use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to improve the site. Cookies collect information in an anonymous way, including the number of visitors of the site, their origin and the pages they visited.
displayCookieConsent Technical cookie First 1 year This type of cookie is used to keep track of the user’s consent and possibly not repeat the short cookie policy on future pages or possibly on the user’s second visit.

Accepting or rejecting cookies is your right
By browsing our site you implicitly consent to the use of the above -mentioned cookies. For predefined settings, the browsers generally accept the use of cookies from our site and from third sites. In any case, it is possible to modify such settings and to indistinctly choose between unconditional acceptance, display of a popup window requiring an explicit action by the user or refusal of the cookies. In order to manage the use of the cookies it is necessary to modify the browser settings through the relevant toolbar. Below is a list of the links to the resources that describe the methods of managing the cookies for the most popular browsers:

Internet Explorer: cookie management
Mozilla Firefox: how to delete cookies; how to block site cookies
Google Chrome: cookie management
Opera: cookie management
Safari: Cookie and web site data management

It is possible to inhibit Google Analytics cookies by visiting the Google web page (Google GaOptOut) and by downloading the additional component for the browser used.